Do Good to All People


Don’t be under any illusion: you cannot make a fool of God! A man’s harvest in life will depend entirely on what he sows. If he sows for his own lower nature, his harvest will be the decay and death of his own nature. But if he sows for the Spirit he will reap the harvest of everlasting life by that Spirit. Let us not grow tired of doing good, for unless we throw in our hand, the ultimate harvest is assured. Let us then do good to all men as opportunity offers, especially to those who belong to the Christian household.
(Galatians 6:7-10, J.B. Phillips)

The Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians was written in response to efforts by Jewish Christians who believed that certain ceremonial practices required by Mosaic law were binding on new Christians. These “Judaizers” insisted, for example, that circumcision was necessary and they challenged Paul’s apostolic authority because he removed these requirements. In this epistle, after Paul attempts to authenticate his apostolic role, he argues vigorously that men and women are justified by faith in Jesus Christ and nothing else. His central theme is this: salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ and faith alone.

At the end of the letter, the Apostle offered practical suggestions for living a life of faith in the freedom which the gospel provides. Paul never leaves his readers suspended in the air with abstract doctrines, but always provides guidance for implementing God’s commandments. Today’s verses highlight “the inevitability of life’s harvest,” to use the subtitle present in the Phillips translation. Paul encourages his readers to recognize that “a man reaps what he sows” (6:5) and therefore Christians should “not become weary of doing good” (v. 9).

Having established that point, Paul then instructs his readers to “do good to all people,” regardless of who they are. Although the Apostle makes sure that the Galatians will pay special attention to the needs of other Christians, it is important to understand that he does not limit his admonition to just family, friends or recognizable neighbors. The gospel of peace, taught by the “Prince of Peace,” is one of reconciliation between all people. It is a message that is designed to remove barriers between people, races and nations. Paul makes it clear that God wants the church, a transnational and multicultural body, to usher in a new way of bringing peace in society through the unity to be found at the foot of the cross.


Almighty God, we praise you for your holiness and your faithfulness. We rejoice in the fact that you keep your promises and that your covenants are honored. Thank you for the gift of salvation made available to us by faith in Jesus Christ and by faith alone. Help us to resist the temptation to add other requirements. Because we have experienced your grace in our lives, help us to share that experience by being doers of good to all people. Amen.