- What insights can we gain about Biblical shalom from the story of creation? If the Garden of Eden is an illustration of God’s shalom, how would you describe its principal features?
- The priest’s prayer for his people, offered in the daily worship of the Israelites, is a powerful statement about God’s desires for us. Wouldn’t you be blessed if this prayer were made for you each morning? Try memorizing this benediction and reminding yourself of its message.
- Our actions have consequences and God commands us to follow his law and the result will be peace. How do we build this truth into our daily lives?
- The source of our peace is God himself and he promises to give us “perfect peace” if we trust in him. If you honestly evaluated your own life, where have you sought to find peace and happiness?
- “No justice, no peace; know justice, know peace” – this is one bumper sticker that I have seen that contains a powerful message. How can we grasp the significance of this truth and integrate it into our lives?