Questions for Individual Reflection or Group Discussion

  • Can you think of social or religious taboos in our time that Jesus’ followers are challenged to change?
  • Can you remember any single act of kindness that had a great impact – like Jesus’ care for the Samaritan woman?
  • As you think about your context – the neighborhood and the city where you live, what two or three examples of injustice or evil come to mind? Are you involved in countering them in any way? Can you think of possible ways you could?
  • Can you think of times in your life when pausing before speaking or acting – like Jesus did with the Jewish leaders and the woman accused of adultery – proved to be the right thing to do. Perhaps times when you wish you had? How does the internet age impact this?
  • Jesus not only taught about loving your enemies, he lived it out as we saw this week. Who are your enemies? Are you able to forgive these enemies, as Jesus did? Have you ever done this and what was the result?