- While our world does not have the same racial barriers as in Jesus’ time (Jews vs. Samaritans, for example), there are plenty of animosities between different ethnic groups today. How can we apply Jesus’ teachings and actions that broke down these barriers to our world?
- Can you think of practical examples of ways to “seek peace and pursue it” in everyday living at home or at work?
- Jesus and his disciples often used images or word pictures from agriculture to explain their teachings, which is natural in the first century agrarian economy of Palestine. The challenge to “plant seeds” and to “raise a harvest” are images that encourage me because they make the case for doing what we are called to do – like farmers planting seeds – but then letting God do the rest. What would be good imagery for suburban/urban people of today?
- What do you think the Apostle John means when he writes that “everyone born of God has overcome the world”? In what sense does our faith “conquer the world”?
- When we greet people and then later say goodbye, we often use words like this – “What’s Up?” or “Take it easy” or “See you later” – phases that have little content. Why not use a biblical greeting and/or farewell like “Shalom” or “Peace” that wishes your friends peace with God, peace with themselves, peace with others, and peace with nature?